Sitemap - 2024 - The Remarkable Fools Letter

the heroic side

on driving slow

quills and thrills

if you try to shoot them all

Why chase rabbits

on getting noticed

that guy with the broken muffler

for the ladies with the babies

The Wilderness Misadventures of a Cultural Heretic

Care-giving is greedy

santa's second coming

when life's a car wreck

fear and loathing and flat packed furniture

delayed gratification

Check out this little piggy!

farting hints

thriving in disorder

Keep the truck rolling

from bankrupt to bougie

finding avian reassurance

rescued from the trash

on hoss, bo wheaten

Elephant, horse, oxen or chicken

On protecting worms from robins


a mid-way in the wild

a clear picture

come and gmc me sometime

how did they miss it?

on aspirational cannibalism

It's just your nature

the day when everything fit

on protecting firefighters

no expiry

on banning books

the holiday party with proctologists

The firemen's truck

cellophane disabilities

kicking feminine versions

unmasking suburban green neurosis

complexity, cars and the hudsucker proxy

Remarkably Foolish Ways to Disrupt a Panic Attack

go surfing instead

today, i tried.

men's room ritual of ridiculousness

on licking flagpoles

back yard eden

farming for lazy no good disorganized adhd fools

green thumbs and rebel hearts

shared weight

curious sweetness

r u a blundstone bubba

existential dorothy

We came close

make procrastination grate again

end of the line

chainsaw jazz in the northwest cove

inviting the teens to go get lost

finding your way back to yourself

the lil' green 9.9

two jobs diverged in a yellow wood

what a year!

Distant storms

getting ahead getting started

do you really need to tell them that

From likes to loathes

medically supported martyrdom

Put on some chains and reclaim your brains

leaching enlightenment

when your 'ands' have 'ifs'

kurragömma på ikea

the art of the sunday sigh

East end, shirtless man

the persistence of time

the first rains were lovely

how stuck

more on chat

increase your influence with mimetic compassion

expert beginner

where did it go?

gender affirming recreation

call me matt

bronx cheers

existential toast

this week only

honk if you're human

prefabulous prefabs

Odd signs of love

when you've been sliced thin

Keep going you jerk

odd places

this week only

boom, zap, pow

kill it yourself

a triggering topic

on raising the stakes

Jazz Freud

tales from hotdog stand

creative cat litter

maybe, wait for the toilet

bald truths and tough cookies

Pratfall tragedies

old man with axe

turdy tree

Three years, nine brains

the sensory circus

hot lovers

What's your biggest nightmare?

a trick question

Poker with a joker

underwear overload

a thousand mile journey

another spectacular failure!

pleasure bandits

living in stoned houses?

the good, the bad and the stupid

consumed by doubt?

losing my way to finding it

they tried to emerge

Mr. Book's wild ride

ink and anarchy

from egg-sucking

in the end

where's the water get?

Casual concerns and cosmic conundrums

the octopus paradox

Navigating life's oddities

barking up the wrong tree

Gnōthi seautón

operation nutlift

inside the cave

how a wave unridden

procrastination, poop and petrolia pot

The long arm of the caw

from turds to triumph

cawing through the chaos

thrills in the hills

Froggy went a-courtin'

the mountainview confessional

a dope with hope

new year, new shit